Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Boo you FaceBook 2013 in review

So it's almost the end of the year which means Facebook has some new feature where it pulls what it determines to be your year's highlights and compiles them in a cute way  share. Everytime I see that on my page I hate it more. I can't help it - 2013 was the worst year in my life. So to think of it in review, here is what I think of.

December 2012 - Right before New Years the photo of my hubby and I in Vegas looking happy and young and how beautiful my hair was and I was feeling better after a stressful year and how I couldn't wait to embrace a fresh new year to push towards my goals.

January - the sudden diagnosis of my mother in law having cancer again and having her feeding tube inserted again.

February - canceling our vacation to see my family in England (we haven't seen more of them since 09/10 and only my my mom has met our son)

April - the day I saw my uncle and father in law with shaved heads and then cut off my long hair and donated it to locks of love and them my husband and friend shaved their heads also in support of my mother in law.

June - my sons 2nd birthday 

July - the day my mother in law died, 3 data after my sons birthday and 2 days after I had returned to work. I thought this was the worst day of my life.

October - our 3rd wedding anniversary when I thought we were getting back to normal - or as normal as we could be

October - the day I completed the Long Beach Half Marathon and I conceived #14in2014

October - the day my husband had his car accident. He could've died but his guardian angel was watching over him. 

This was the actual worst day of my life. This was the day I realized how deeply our life had changed and we weren't anywhere as near to normal as I had previously hoped.

There were other moments in this year that I remember ...

Announcements of pregnancies 

The birth of a baby

The loss of a baby

Finding out someone named  their child after me - that was one of the best moments if the year. 

But through & through the best part of the year day in day out, was my son.

Since he was born my mother in law, or Grandma as he knew her, watched him while we worked or when we need a night off so we could have a date night. Grandma lived for her babies, her patience, love and kindness knew no bounds. Perhaps that is her legacy  - when I struggle for patience I think of her , breathe deep and somehow my patience grows. I know her grandchildren are what kept her fighting everyday, i never new how true it was that children are a blessing until 2013, from my my 2013 all of the best moments were related to the children in my life.

I wrote this last week when I was feeling blue. The blue passed, but if this is a blog of my journey than it should be posted. 

Photo shown is of grandma with her grand baby Mother's Day 2013. Already in treatment but always time and energy for the loves if her life- her grand kids


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